
Effects of Stress

Stress causes us to feel overwhelmed and tired, which can lead to many long term and chronic health issues. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably already tried different options to deal with your stress. Maybe you chose to spend some time alone, meditate, soak in a bath, watch TV, do yoga, garden, make art, journal, exercise, read a book……the list goes on!
If none of those worked, you may have elected to see your doctor…but he/she only spent a few minutes with you and you somehow left feeling misunderstood and with a prescription for a drug you didn’t even want. You may have started withdrawing from your friends, binge eating, drinking, sleeping a lot, procrastinating, and just looking forward to that vacation…so you can finally have some time to yourself. Sound familiar?
Escaping the stress is great for a short time…but removing the stress on a deep level is a whole lot better and longer lasting. Instead of just coping with stress in the day to day, the resonance chambers target both the stored emotional charge (which is very destructive to your health, happiness and success) and removes that charge so that you no longer have those emotional trip wires and land mines that assault you when you least expect them to surface.
Stress and emotional trauma cause INFLAMMATION and are shown in studies to be the cause of up to 85% of bodily dysfunctions and disease. If not effectively addressed they can seriously compromise an individual’s health and well-being. The beauty of the resonance chamber is the ability to remove the inflammation blocks that are normally the cause of the symptom of the dis-ease/disorder that are preventing the body from healing itself naturally.
The objective is to work on the WHOLE body, not just alleviate symptoms!
So dealing with stress at a deeper level is to your benefit. There are many advantages to allowing the body to reach a state of complete relaxation. The Harmonic Egg and the Energy Genesis works at a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.
Bringing balance to the body can help:
- Reduce inflammation
- Enhance immune system
- Increase blood circulation
- Heighten energy levels
- Improve sleep
- Decrease overwhelm
- Strengthen cognitive abilities
- Eliminate environmental toxins
- Enhance perceptions
- Process emotional trauma
- Increase creativity
- Remove emotional charge
- Stabilize moods
- Improve focus
- Strengthen vital organs
- Accelerate spiritual insight
- Enhance inspiration
- Deepen feelings of peace & calm
The Harmonic Egg and Energy Genesis are sometimes found after traditional/conventional resources have failed. Once successful results are achieved the Harmonic Egg and/or the Energy Genesis becomes the healing modality of choice.

Trauma and Healing
What is trauma? “Experiences or situations that are emotionally painful and distressing, and that overwhelm people’s ability to cope, leaving them powerless.”
There are different types of trauma: Emotional/Psychological, Physical, Enviornmental and Spiritual. Understanding what is happening before during and after a session helps one make sense of the process. Let’s look at them in greater depth
Trauma, regardless of which type, gets blocked and then stuck in the body. The resonance chambers facilitate the opening of the energy pathways in the body leading to release at any one or more of these levels. Sometimes these releases appear as side effects. As the release of old patterns takes place one begins to feel more balanced and much lighter at an energetic level. Because everything is energy, we approach healing from a different perspective than conventional medicine. The goal is no pills, no drugs, no needles, no surgery. The body has the capacity to heal itself naturally, if given the chance. Energy healing has been around from the dawn of time. It’s all about creating balance and once the energy begins to flow there can be a reversal of any imbalanced condition or dis-ease. But, it is the body that is doing the healing. In order for this to happen you have to be aligned, (consciously or unconsciously) with the desire to heal. Healing cannot be forced.


Emotional/Psychological Trauma

Emotional/Psychological trauma is a type of “damage to the mind” that occurs as a result of a distressing event or events. It is often the outcome of an overwhelming amount of stress that exceeds one’s ability to cope, or integrate the emotions involved within that experience. This can often occur from long-term abuse and/or neglect. This type of trauma can also result from an extremely stressful, life-threatening situation. When left unacknowledged, deep-seated emotions get lodged in different areas of the body. The consequence can be the manifestation of chronic stress and tension, often leading to minor aches and pains and discomfort. Over time full blown disease or illness can manifest.
While you are in resonance chamber you may feel a spontaneous release of emotion that you have subconsciously stored in your body presenting as crying, a rush of anger, deep sadness or a sudden overwhelm of fear. You can have a release of emotion during or after a session, or even sometimes a week later. If this occurs it is suggested to drink lots of water to flush out the emotion and practice deep breathing to help you “breathe through” any uncomfortable emotions, allowing them to release. Be free to experience this process WITHOUT judgment. Do not try to push them back below the surface. You want them out of your body…but YOU have to allow it to happen. The resonance chamber facilitates the release process, so let your body facilitate the healing process!
Just like negative emotions will sometimes manifest in the Energy Genesis or Harmonic Egg, just as often, if not more often, extremely positive emotions will surface as well. Quite often people who experience the Energy Genesis have reported feeling extremely relaxed, overwhelming joy, completely safe, a feeling of unconditional love, profound insight, and any number of other positive emotions.
Physical Traumaa
While you are in a resonance chamber you might experience the recurrence of pain from a part of the body that was injured in the past. A high school shoulder or knee injury, a broken bone, whiplash from an auto accident that happened years before. Any of these could manifest as pain that has not been felt for years. Just as in emotional releases, the body is trying to release stuck physical sensations that have long ago disappeared. Again, allow the process to happen without judgment. Let your body do what it needs to do to be free of the leftover remnants of the physical injury.

Environmental Trauma

While you are in a resonance chamber you can let these fears and pictures surface and move out of your psyche. Acknowledge them and send them packing. Give yourself permission to “change the picture” to what you do want as your life story. Be free to step out of the stresses of the “WHAT IF’S” and into the freedom of using your imagination to create whatever you want in your life. Your body will thank you and the stress of something that will likely never happen to you can be released.
Spiritual Trauma
Spiritual trauma can be elusive and disguise itself in the loss of faith, diminished participation in religious or spiritual activities, changes in beliefs, feelings of being abandoned or punished by God, and loss of meaning and purpose for living.
While you are in a resonance chamber you might find yourself free to reflect and contemplate the deeper meaning of your life. As emotional and physical traumas are released it allows more time for your thought processes to mesh with the bigger universal questions of Life…the “What’s it all about” questions. You might experience spiritual insight, be given visions for your life, and connect with the spiritual realms that are typically outside of our physical reality here on earth.

Environmental Toxins
Our modern day environment is laden with toxins that bombard us around the clock. i.e; Genetically Modified Food (GMOs) Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) from various devices, technology, electronics and microwaves …all the things that make our lives more convenient. We see chemtrails that crisscross our skies on a daily basis filtering down into the air that we breathe. Aerosols, plastics, household chemicals and cleaners, pesticides, and make-up…….the list goes on and on. We cannot escape the environmental toxins no matter how conscious we are or how careful we are in trying to minimize our exposure to them. Environmental toxins are a key factor in causing many of the diseases and illnesses we are seeing in today’s society, and it’s not just certain areas, it’s worldwide. The Harmonic Egg and the Energy Genesis aid the body in maintaining some sort of balance in order to help reduce and counteract the damaging effects of all the environmental toxins over which we have no control.

Detoxification Process
You may experience relief with your very first session. But, do not be discouraged if your state doesn’t immediately change and minor symptoms surface that you may not have experienced in a long time. Your body will be detoxifying and going through changes over the few weeks following your sessions. This means that you may experience some emotional changes (i.e. emotional trauma releasing, feelings of slight irritation, anxiousness, or you might feel joyful, happy, peaceful etc.) You might have physical changes (i.e. feeling tired, needing more sleep, mild headache, etc.). These are caused by physical detoxing of environmental toxins, emotional energy clearing, and physical ailments “turning on” before turning back off in your healing process. The are commonly known as a “healing crisis” and will pass pretty quickly. They are completely natural and vary from person to person.
This is one of the reasons that it is suggested that you drink plenty of water, starting with your very first session. Water will help flush and eliminate any toxins being cleared from your cells. It will also help with emotional energy moving through and out of you; and it will keep you hydrated and allow your body to easily perform it’s natural detoxification processes. Because your body will be detoxing and you will be releasing emotional energy and toxins that have been trapped for many years, there are a variety of things you may experience on your healing journey. Each session may produce something different. All of these things are natural and good, simply requiring you to take care of yourself during this process and ideally for the rest of your life.